It is the most wonderful time of the year, right? This is definitely one the most magical times of the year with all of the holiday celebrations, the community decorations, and the songs of the season. It is also the time where parents are on the hunt for gifts for their kids and family members. This month can also be stressful with illnesses that start being shared. Here at Kid’s Directory we have you covered. Flip through our pages for ideas about gifts and experiences for everyone on your list. We also have a listing of dedicated health professionals that are ready to making you feel better as fast as possible so that you don’t miss out on any of the holiday celebrations and breaks. It is also the season of giving. Organizations benefit from the generosity of others during the holidays. Check out some of the organizations that are making a difference in our community. Last but not least, celebrate with your families. Attend some of the parades and festivities. Shop our local stores for unique and personal gifts. Northwest Arkansas has a lot to offer. During the last few days of 2016, make it a point to take advantage of these activities. These are the memories that your family will remember for years to come. Sincerely, The Staff of Kid’s Directory of Northwest Arkansas
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