Summer is officially HERE!!!! Not because the calendar says so but because our kids are out of school. Some of you may already have your summer completely planned but then there are those of you like me who have plenty of gaps in between camps and trips. Too much time on our hands is the only thought running through my mind! The comforting comes in knowing there are more opportunities in our area than we can do in just a few months. So I’m keeping this issue on hand as I look for spontaneous outings with my kids and hope you’ll do the same. Sometimes those end up being the most memorable anyway.
Here are a few other fun and free ideas:
- plan family game nights (board games or make up your own ie minute to win it, scavenger hunt)
- play water wars
- visit the library or park
- make an obstacle course (think Ninja Warrior or Summer Olympics)
- camp in your backyard or living room
- host a karaoke or dance party
- color your entire driveway with sidewalk chalk
- visit local farms or farmer’s markets
- make puppet shadows and catch fireflies
- volunteer at charities
At the NWA Boutique Show, we hosted a 2016 Cover Kid Contest and we’re happy to show off our winners on this month’s cover! Channing, Collins and Carrington are some sweet sisters who also happen to be super adorable. We enjoyed our time with them and thank their mom for entering her precious girls and Amber Lanning once again for her photography magic.
We never want to overlook one of our favorite super heroes – our dads. Being a dad is no doubt a tall order and I feel certain it’s one of the reasons God gave men broad shoulders. You have much to bear. Your families depend on you for more than bringing home a paycheck. They mostly need your unconditional love and undivided attention. No wonder you’re tired and overwhelmed. But, please remember how much we love you and we are especially thankful we get to celebrate you this month!
Sadly, summer will be over too soon and we’ll have to switch gears again. What a change the fall brings. Breathe a little easier knowing we’re walking this journey with you and work to help ease fears and frustrations. Be watching for our August Back-to-School Guide which serves as a perfect resource for all your back-to-school needs (supplies, extra-curricular activities, clothing, check ups, etc).
Happy Summer!
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