The beloved children’s book, Flat Stanley, written by Jeff Brown in 1964 has become a literary and pop cultural phenomenon and now, a musical! Stanley Lambchop is your ordinary, every-day, run-of-the-mill ten-year-old: normal mom and dad, normal little brother, normal life. That’s just the problem…for Stanley, life is too normal. He wants to travel the world, do something amazing, something no one’s ever seen before. Careful what you wish for, Stanley! An ACO Childs Play production that’s perfect for the whole family.
We have 8 tickets to giveaway to see this fun family musical at Arts Center of the Ozarks!!
Show times are as follows:
Saturday, September 12 & September 19, 11 am & 2:30 pm
Sunday, September 13, 3 pm
TO ENTER, click on this post to share your child’s (or your) favorite place to travel! Two winners will be drawn & announced Monday, September 7th!
For additional information or to see a complete line up of shows, contact Arts Center of the Ozarks at or 479.751.5441.
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